Stonyfield ‘Know What’s In Their Yogurt’

Shopper Marketing

Digital Marketing

Sustainable Marketing

Brand Positioning

Challenge: Most moms do not consider buying Stonyfield Organic for their family because they don’t see the value it brings. They think yogurt is already ‘healthy enough’ with no need to invest in organic.

Insight: Moms feel a personal responsibility to make food and beverage choices that would enable her family, and the environment in which we live, to thrive.


Leveraging Earth Month, we enlisted moms to join Stonyfield’s mission to say ‘no’ to toxic pesticides and ‘yes’ to high quality ingredients and a healthier planet.

By pairing relatable and realistic imagery with a strong “Know What’s In Their Yogurt” CTA, we convinced moms that Stonyfield Organic is a worthy investment in her family’s health and the planet.


Cub Foods


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