Dove #speakbeautiful

Social Media Marketing

Digital Marketing


4 out of every 5 negative tweets about beauty are women talking about themselves.


Understanding that much of our personal image is formed through social media, Dove teamed up with Twitter to promote positive tweeting and truly inspire behavioral change. Using Lithium, a proprietary Twitter-developed tool, we uncovered real women’s comments about beauty and body image and provided one-on-one encouragement to help them #speakbeautiful


The results were truly beautiful! Throughout the course of the year, women were inspired by our message, using #speakbeautiful more than 168,000 times and driving 800 million social media impressions.

In addition, we were able to connect with women and engage 1:1 with over 3,000 negative tweets. Of those who responded to this personal encouragement, we shifted sentiment on 85% of conversations.


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